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Products we support

Current products

Legacy products

We support a number of ‘legacy’ products which GOV.UK Frontend and GOV.UK Design System replaced, which we still need to provide some support for:

The websites and repositories for these projects should state something along the lines of:

The Government Digital Service (GDS) is retiring [Product Name] following the launch of the GOV.UK Design System. [Product Name] will remain available to you if you are currently using it but will no longer be maintained. GDS will only roll out major bug fixes and security patches.

What we mean by ‘major bug fixes and security patches’ is loosely defined, which allows us some flexibility, but broadly speaking we expect to fix issues which affect the accessibility or usability of a service using our legacy products. We would only fix ‘cosmetic’ bugs if they were severe enough that they would otherwise reduce the trust the user has in the service.

Security issues should be addressed, but only if they impact the services that use them.

No longer supported

GOV.UK Prototype Kit

The GOV.UK Prototype Kit is currently maintained by the GOV.UK Design System team. Huge thanks to the GOV.UK Prototype team, who’s hard work has made our job of maintaining the Prototype Kit much easier.

We will:

  • update dependencies and address serious bugs
  • review bugs and dependencies every 3 months (serious bugs will be given high priority)

We cannot:

  • provide user support on Slack, GitHub or via email
  • add new features
  • review contributions
  • update documentation
  • address smaller functionality issues that do not block usage

Many departments told us about documentation and support for the Prototype Kit which was provided internally, so we encourage users to seek help from their colleagues.

Accessible Autocomplete

The GOV.UK Design System team maintains the Accessible Autocomplete as a standalone component. However, we’re only able to put in minimal work to support it.

Read about our plans to maintain this component.

Read more about the types of support we can provide.

This page was last reviewed on 4 September 2023. It needs to be reviewed again on 4 March 2024 by the page owner #design-system-team-channel .
This page was set to be reviewed before 4 March 2024 by the page owner #design-system-team-channel. This might mean the content is out of date.